New director Partiar.

From December 1, we can proudly welcome Marieke de Geus as director of Partiar BV, executor in estates. Together with the current director Annemieke Wagenaar, Marieke de Geus forms the new management.

Marieke has been working at Partiar in commerce and marketing since March this year. Annemieke's business background and Marieke's commercial talent are a successful combination. The team of estate specialists and lawyers now consists of more than 20 people, but the company expects to grow further in 2024. With the aging and loneliness of society, there is a lot of work in the field of inheritance and funerals. 

'I am very much looking forward to leading Partiar together with Annemieke. 'We complement each other well and there is a good click,' says Marieke. Annemieke is also very happy with this new step. 'Marieke is driven and a real team player. Together with Partiar we want to become one of the larger players in the field of estate execution.'

As an executor, Partiar takes care of the complete settlement of a funeral and inheritance. Many clients are increasingly arranging their estate during their lives and choose Partiar because of the broad experience and knowledge surrounding aftercare in the event of death. Where the notary is bound hand and foot due to the rules of the notarial profession, Partiar can offer a solution. The team works closely with the notary to identify heirs, among other things. 

Would you like to know more about the inheritance and what to do after your death? Contact Marieke without obligation. She is happy to tell you what Partiar can do for you.

Marieke de Geus director

Mary de Geus


Partiar likes to think along with you

Do you need help with an estate? Or are you in doubt about rejecting or accepting an inheritance? Contact us for a free consultation. We like to think along with you.